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long vacation 1.大學暑假。2.法院夏季休庭。

long wave

I love living in suburb , dream of breathing refresh air on beach or in the woods with my close friends when long vacation comes ; i love dressing up , but only modestly , perfume is a must of my daily life ; in respect of career , i hope i can obtain higher and higher position , grow more and more powerful ; i love being in relationship , but i ' d rather be alone than be with the wrong one ; i don ' t ask for luxurious living space , but it has to be clean 我喜歡住在郊外,向往長假期間能與親友在海邊或是山林間呼吸新鮮空氣;喜歡打扮,但適可而止,香水是我每天的必需;對事業,希望可以越走越高,做大做強;喜歡戀愛,但寧缺勿濫;對生活空間不要求奢華但要求簡潔!

They were his father and mother , his brother the reverend felix - curate at a town in the adjoining county , home for the inside of a fortnight - and his other brother , the reverend cuthbert , the classical scholar , and fellow and dean of his college , down from cambridge for the long vacation 他們是他的父親母親,大哥費利克斯牧師,他現在已經是附近郡里一個鎮上的副牧師了,正好請了兩個禮拜的假回家。他的另一個哥哥卡斯伯特也是牧師,他還是一個古典學者,劍橋大學一個學院的院長和董事,現在從學校回家度假。

Accordingly , mr . stryver inaugurated the long vacation with a formal proposal to take miss manette to vauxhall gardens ; that failing , to ranelagh ; that unaccountably failing too , it behoved him to present himself in soho , and there declare his noble mind 若是她不肯,便去蘭勒拉花展若是再莫名其妙地遭到拒絕,他只好親自到索霍區去,在那兒宣布他那高貴的意圖了。

Sydney had been working double tides that night , and the night before , and the night before that , and a good many nights in succession , making a grand clearance among mr . stryver s papers before the setting in of the long vacation 那天晚上,前一天晚上,再前一天晚上和那以前的許多晚上西德尼都曾加班加點,要趕在大假日到來之前把斯特萊佛的文件處理完畢。

Stryver having made up his mind to that magnanimous bestowal of good fortune on the doctor s daughter , resolved to make her happiness known to her before he left town for the long vacation 斯特萊佛先生決心把幸運慷慨地施舍給醫生的女兒之后,便決定在離開城市去度大假之前把她的喜事告訴她。

Myself am in the school student , wants to use each long vacation to practice to the society in ( works ) , by increases own society to experience and to exercise oneself ability 本人是在校學生,想利用每個長假到社會上實踐(打工) ,以增加自己的社會經驗及鍛煉自己能力。

Over the recent seven - day national day holiday , there are 146 million trips in the country , but it seems not everyone likes the idea of a week - long vacation 今年“十一”黃金周期間,全國出游數達到1 . 46億人次,但并非所有人都贊同休假一周這個辦法。

The survey found 73 . 2 percent of people believe that paid holidays cannot be guaranteed in the future and public holidays are the only way to ensure long vacations 調查發現, 73 . 2 %的人認為他們今后的帶薪假期沒有保證,公共假日是唯一有保證的長假。

According to the survey , 80 percent said the number of holidays on the chinese mainland was reasonable . the problem is many people don ' t dare to take long vacations 據調查, 80 %的受訪者認為,我國的假期總數不算少,主要問題在于很多人不敢休假。

51 long vacations period , has gone to the kalong ditch , unfortunatelyis precisely the off season time . but is off season here also is the same beauty 五一長假期間,去了卡龍溝,不巧的正是淡季時期。不過就算是淡季這里也是一樣的美麗。

Towards soho , therefore , mr . steer shouldered his way from the temple , while the bloom of the long vacation s infancy was still upon it 于是斯特萊佛先生便從法學會橫沖直撞地上了路,到索霍區去了一大假的鮮花正在那兒含苞欲放。

We ' re too busy to take a long vacation this year , not to mention the fact that we can ' t afford it 且不說出外度一個長假的費用太大,就連多余的時間也沒有。

“ when ann came back from her long vacation , we gave her the red carpet treatment . 這是說: “當安度了一個很長的假期后,我們像貴賓一樣歡迎她回來。

The longer vacation offered was the determinant factor in mr . brown ' s change of position 能提供較長的假期是布朗先生換職位的決定性因素。

Ant takes the last piece of bread home , where a long vacation is in front 螞蟻忙著把最后一塊食物銜回家,等待它的,是一段悠長的假期。

Yao ming , have a long vacation - christmas , new year , and chinese new year 姚明,好好過個假期吧-圣誕,新年和中國的春節。

I [ color = red ] can ' t wait to spend my long vacation in the beautiful countryside 我迫不及待要在美麗的鄉村度過我的長假了。

I have been working nonstop , i ' m yearning for a long vacation 我一直在不挺的工作,我真渴望有一個長假啊!

Yes , this is a long vacation 是啊,這個假期時間很長。